Niels bohr and john wheeler published a theory of the dynamic process of fission . 尼恩、波尔和惠勒发表了裂变的动力过程的理论。
The nobel prize in physics 1975 : aage niels bohr 诺贝尔物理学奖-阿吉尼尔斯玻尔
1922 niels bohr denmark 1923 robert andrews millikan 1922年尼尔斯玻尔丹麦
After all , it took many years for the quantum idea , as put forth by max planck , einstein and niels bohr , to be encapsulated into the schr ? dinger equation , and more time still to be made compatible with special relativity 毕竟,普朗克、爱因斯坦、波耳提出的量子论也要隔好多年才有办法纳入薛丁格方程式,又隔了好一阵子才能与狭义相对论相容。